School Rules
Respect for Singapore |
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with their right fist placed over their heart.
Respect for others’ time |
Punctuality: Students must be punctual for school and for all school functions. Students are to assemble in school before 7.30 a.m. at the respective assembly areas. Flag raising will be conducted at 7.30 a.m. sharp. Any student who arrives later than 7.30 a.m. will be considered late.
If a student is late four times or more per semester, he/she will be issued a Letter of Advice. The Conduct Grade may be affected for those who are consistently late and disciplinary action will be taken against these students.
Respect the occasion |
Attire (School Uniform & PE Attire): Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
All students must be in school uniform when they are in school or attending any activities organised by the school even after curriculum hours. Please refer to the photographs at the end of this section to see how the full uniform and Physical Education (PE) attire should be worn.
Students’ attire must always be neat and tidy. Every student must have their name tags sewn or ironed on securely on their uniform.
Attire (School Shoes & Socks): Black shoes and white socks are to be worn. Other types of footwear may only be worn when certified by a doctor or to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Track shoes may only be worn during CCA. Students should change back to their school shoes when they have completed their activity.
Attire (Accessories): Jewellery should not be worn to school. Only plain ear studs are allowed for girls. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings or ear studs.
Grooming: Fingernails should be kept short and clean. Nail polish and makeup is not allowed. Hair should be kept neat and simply styled. Hair should be kept in its natural colour.
Girls with long hair (longer than the collar) must have it tied neatly in a ponytail or in plaits. Long fringes must be pulled back with a hair band or hair clip. Only black hair accessories are allowed.
Boys must have short and neat hairstyles. It should be sloped at the sides and back. Hair should not touch the ears, eyebrows or shirt collar. All male students must be clean-shaven at all times. Moustache and beards are not allowed.
Respect one another |
Students must respect themselves, their peers, teachers, support staff, parent volunteers and elders. Students must always be well-behaved and courteous.
Expected behaviour in the classroom: - be attentive and avoid walking around in the classroom unnecessarily - ask for permission to enter or leave the classroom - complete all class assignments and hand in work on time - bring all books and materials required for the day
Expected behaviour in the canteen: - eat and drink only in the canteen - queue up to buy food in an orderly manner - return used cutlery and crockery to the collection points - clear spilled food or drink from the tables and dispose of all litter into the rubbish bins
Students must move quietly and in an orderly manner within the school premises. Unsupervised running is not allowed.
Open Defiance/ Rudeness: Students should not wilfully disobey or show disrespect to a person of authority.
Respect others’ property
Vandalism: Students should not deface or vandalise school, public or property belonging to others.
Be responsible for own actions |
Safety: Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is intended to be used to cause harm to others. Students need not bring personal scissors or pen knife to school as the school will provide for them when necessary.
Personal Electronic Devices: Unauthorised electronic, communication, entertainment or gaming devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and/or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information are not allowed in the school compound regardless of the time of the day. Examples of prohibited items include mobile phones, cameras, tablets and smart wrist watches. Only POSB smart watches are allowed.
The school will not be held responsible for the loss of contraband electronic devices. Unauthorised use of electronic devices will lead to the devices being confiscated and will only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian.
School Electronic Devices: If a teacher has authorised the use of electronic devices for educational purposes, students are expected to use them responsibly. Students must not photograph, video, record or post on social media of students or staff members without permission.
Possession and/or use of tobacco/vaping products/substance abuse: Students are prohibited from possessing or using any tobacco/vaping products or paraphernalia.
Possession of pornographic/inappropriate materials: Students should not possess pornographic or inappropriate materials.
Inappropriate touch and indecent exposure: Students should not touch others inappropriately or perform indecent acts.
Gambling: Students should not gamble or gain advantage through games of chance.
Cheating: Students must exercise integrity during all assessments. Students are considered to have cheated when they are found: ● Copying from another student or allowing another student to copy via various forms of communication that include verbal/non-verbal gestures, display of writing materials; retrieving information by electronic means that include but not limited to computerised wrist watches, mobile phones, digital cameras etc ● Attempting to amend marks or change answers on marked exam scripts Any student who cheats, attempts to cheat or has collaborated with others with the intention to cheat, will undergo an investigation. If found guilty, actions will be taken against all students involved. Theft: Students should not take things that do not belong to them without permission. Forgery: Students should not forge documents with the intention to deceive. Truancy: Students must stay within the school compound during curriculum time, after-school lessons or CCA unless supervised excursion has been arranged by the school. Students must have valid reasons to be absent from school. They will submit their medical certificates immediately upon returning to school or through official digital platform like Parents Gateway. Only five letters of excuse from parents will be accepted per term. These letters will not be valid for absence from school assessments. Students absent from school assessments must produce medical certificates to be considered absent with valid reasons. Failing which they will be given zero marks. |
Care & Harmony
Bullying: Students should not engage in bullying (verbal, physical, emotional) or cyberbullying acts. They should report all bullying cases to their Form Teacher.
Assault/ Fighting: Students should not use physical violence.
Gangsterism: Students should not extort from, harass or threaten others.
Arson: Students should not set fire to objects with the intent to cause damage.
Littering: Students should dispose of litter in appropriate places.
Note: Major rules are in bold.
1. The school has a case management process in place. Students who do not adhere to the school rules and regulations will face appropriate consequences. Parents are requested to work closely with the school so that we can educate every student to take responsibility for their own actions.
2. Based on evidence from teachers, witness statements and/or school security measures, the School Disciplinary Committee will decide on the appropriate consequence for each offence committed. These consequences, depending on the offence, may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Parents are to be duly informed
- Meeting with parents
- Counselling
- Monitoring Log
- Suspension (school-based activities or external activities such as learning journeys, camps etc)
- Disciplinary measures (caning)
Note: Consequences may not be meted out in the sequence above.